Artist, resident and youth access to an incredible center

Our Impact

Children at Foundation Event

Our Work Today

The Foundation works closely with many different community organizations and individuals to see that our Performing Arts Center (the “PAC”) is accessible for all. From the time of our founding, the PAC was envisioned as a place where local arts could flourish. That is why today we are committed to supporting the efforts of resident performing arts groups who utilize the PAC’s world-class stage for productions. We continually expand the accessibility of the arts. By providing student programs and other free community events, we strive to reach a growing number of community members, including those who are under-served in their access to the performing arts.

Access & Affordability

Local Performing Arts Groups

One of the primary reasons the PAC was created was to provide a world-class venue for local performing arts groups. We promote performances by local artists in the PAC and financially support community group access.

Since arriving in San Luis Obispo as a Cal Poly music professor in 1967, Clifton Swanson has been a dynamic presence in our community arts scene, founding the San Luis Obispo Mozart Festival, conducting the San Luis Obispo Symphony for 13 years and participating in the original planning committee for the PAC.

As a longtime Foundation Board Member and past President, Clif’s passion for our local artists has never wavered. In spring of 2016, the Foundation realized a long-term goal to give additional support to our local community nonprofits that perform in Harold Miossi Hall by establishing a grants program. To honor Clif’s outstanding commitment to our community performing arts, the Foundation named the program the Clifton Swanson PAC Community Access Fund.

Nearly $130,000 has been awarded to local arts groups over the past four seasons-funding that subsidizes the direct costs of performing at the PAC.

Community Education

Schools, Teachers & Students

The Foundation provides the PAC Outreach School Matinee Program.

The School Matinee Program gives thousands of local children from all local public, private and home schools the opportunity to attend educational, live arts performances at the PAC every school year.

Due to the support of School Matinee Program Presenting Sponsor the Harold J. Miossi Charitable Trust, and to donations from additional sponsors including local businesses and individual donors, all costs of attending School Matinee shows are subsidized for every student, teacher and chaperone attendee. Our donors’ and members’ generosity also now allows us to underwrite transportation costs for schools making the program 100% free!

Performers & Attendees

San Luis Obispo Community

The Foundation works with Cal Poly and the City of San Luis Obispo to provide our community affordable access to the PAC, both as performers and audience members.


Children looking inside of a piano